Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Brett Dennen

It's late and I'm not all that inspired at the moment, so this will be brief. Brett Dennen is the name of the funny looking man hidden under the mop of red hair in this picture. He recently recorded a Daytrotter Session that I found to be pretty enjoyable. Simplistic and cute. His song "Ain't No Reason" (which, sadly, wasn't part of the daytrotter session) puts into question all the madness of modern society, and it's unsettling how many buttons he manages to push. It's also kind of genius. His voice is strangely charming, the way it falls out to a whisper at the ends of some words, threatening a shrieking "S" but never quite producing one.
If you decide to write him off as just another singer-songwriter, I won't blame you, but you will miss out on some cute, simple, and easy tracks with wisdom to share.

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